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Alexander Graham Bell suggested ‘ahoy’ (as used in ships) as the greeting when we speak over telephone. But it was later superseded by Thomas Edison, who suggested ‘hello’ instead.

The very first phone call was: “Watson come here, I want you!”

Mark Twain was one of the first to have a phone in his home.

The European patent office lists more than 100,000 inventions with ‘telephone’ in then title.

The first phone book (telephone directory) was issued in 1878 and is only 20 pages long.

The memorable Nokia tone for receiving SMS text messages is Morse code for ‘SMS’ Likewise, the ‘Ascending’ tone is Morse code for ‘Connecting People,’ (Nokia’s slogan) and ‘Standard’ is Morse code for ‘M’ (Message).

Bell’s patent for the telephone was modestly titled ‘Improvement in Telegraphy’.

According to a recent survey, 47 per cent of all water-damaged mobile phones in the UK have been dropped in the toilet bowl.

A ton of mobile phones contains more gold than a ton of ore from a gold mine.

Nokia was founded back in 1865 and manufacturing paper was its primary business. Many years later, it switched to making rubber products, telegraph wires, and other electrical cables.

US Presidents

George Washington (1732-1799) was the only US President to be unanimously elected.

George Washington made the shortest inauguration speech on record—133 words and less than two minutes long.

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) was the first president to be inaugurated in Washington, D.C.

Jimmy Carter is the first known president to go on record as seeing a UFO.

Abraham Lincoln was the only presidential candidate who was not a Mason in the 1860 election.

Abraham Lincoln was the first president to ever be photographed at his inauguration. In the photo, he is standing near John Wilkes Booth, his future assassin.

James Madison (1751-1836) was the shortest president of the United States, standing at only 5’4”. He never weighed more than 100 pounds.

George Herbert Walker Bush is the only President with four names.

No US President has ever been an only child.

Abraham Lincoln was the tallest president at 6' 4."

The first president to be born outside the original 13 States was Lincoln.

Jimmy Carter was a wealthy peanut farmer in Plains, Georgia. A farming accident left one of his fingers permanently bent.

Gerald Ford was the first person to be both vice president and president without being elected by the people.

Rutherford Hayes banished alcohol from the White House and held gospel sing-alongs every night in the White House.

Andrew Johnson was the first president to be impeached. He was acquitted by one vote in the Senate. It would be another 131 years before another president, Bill Clinton, would be impeached.